NENDAWEN - March/April 2002
Finnin Elected Southern Region Chief
Nathan Finnin was elected as the Chief of the Southern Region at the Order
of the Arrow’s National Meeting in Dallas, Texas in late December. He has
served as Lodge Chief of Klahican Lodge and most recently as the Chief of
Section SR-7B.
Congratulations to Nathan on his new position
Annual Spring Fellowship & Lodge Leadership Development Course
March 15-17, 2002 – Camp Bowers
You are invited to attend the annual Spring fellowship. We will be preparing
for Conclave by emphasizing our conclave theme and building spirit. There
will also be the usual great food and fellowship.
In addition the lodge will be conducting the
Lodge Leadership Development
Course. This is a required course for anyone who is a lodge or chapter
officer and recommended for any one who wishes to be an officer.
You will find a sign-up form in this Nendawen. Sign-up deadline is March
United States Heritage Award
I would like to introduce you to the United States Heritage Award. It is
a project that started about a year ago, and now is ready to share. The United
States Heritage Award was designed by Scouts and adults to give youth recognition
for learning about the heritage of the United States of America, and being
involved. By completing the United States Heritage Award, it is hoped greater
understanding and pride of nation will prevail. The award was created with
scouts in mind, but it is open to be earned by any youth in the United States.
A medal and patch can be awarded to each youth that successfully completes
the requirements for the award. All requirements may be completed with a unit,
group, or individually. There is a silver medal for youth 6-10, and a gold
medal for youth 11-18. (Adults also can earn the gold). More information,
worksheets, and adult guides are available at
or email
We have also started a listing of the nations historic trails on the site.
Hopefully it is of use to other scouts, as it has been to us.
Yours in Service,
Kim Steadman
Marlboro, MA
Adviser’s Minute
J. Corpening – Lodge Adviser
Dear Fellow Arrowmen,
Our Nation has been attacked. Our senses have been assaulted by the visions
of the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings, the smoldering ruins
of a section of the Pentagon, the debris covered fields of southern Pennsylvania,
and the thousands of senseless deaths. We have each been touched in a terrible
way by this tragedy, some in devastatingly personal ways. Our lives have
been forever changed by these events, and I fear that we have only begun to
see the changes.
At times like these I search for reason in the chaos, and find myself looking
to fundamental principles that guide my life, for it is in the bedrock of
our beings that we find strength, courage and perseverance that are so much
in need during these days of our lives. Each of you share some of these fundamental
principles, and I wanted to take this opportunity to share them with you,
so that we might stand together, ever mindful of our obligations.
Meteu would have something appropriate to say at a time like this: “There
should fall a solemn silence o’er the brothers in our circle, for their thoughts
should now be centered on the noble goal and purpose that has called us all
together.” What are the noble goals and purpose that have called us together?
First, we have sworn a duty to our God and our Country. Are these merely
words we recite from memory or do they have true meaning in our lives? Our
duty to God and Country are critical in these days. It is critical that we
be ever mindful of God’s role in our lives as we stand up for our Country
and its leaders. It is critical that we stand up. Words from the song of
Lee Greenwood made famous during Desert Storm leap into my mind, “I’ll gladly
stand up next to them and defend her still today, for there ain’t no doubt
I love this land, God bless the U.S.A.” Stand up for God and Country, and
do it today.
Second, we have sworn an obligation to be unselfish in service and devotion
to the welfare of others. It is time to ask ourselves what these words really
mean. Each day we need to ask, “who needs us today,” or “what can we do to
help today.” Whether it means giving of our time, our money, our blood, or
anything else we may be called upon to give, I hope we remember to give unselfishly.
Third, we have sworn an obligation to always and faithfully observe and
preserve the traditions of the Order of the Arrow. Brotherhood, cheerfulness,
and service are virtues which our country needs right now. We need to stand
together against these challenges. We need to encourage our brothers to stand
with us so that united we can be of greater service. If we set the example
others will stand with us. Finally, we need to maintain a cheerful spirit,
for it is weighty responsibilities that we now face.
Friends, those who chose you need you. Rise to meet each day with firm
resolve. Influence your brothers. Be a leader. Remember Kitchkinet’s words,
“All the world may seem against you and the path seem dark and lonely. All
your strength will be required when you face the isolation which a leader
often faces…….Be you steadfast as the Polestar, self-reliant, undiscouraged.”
Remember that Uncas spoke up in our legend from the Leni-Lenape: “O my father,
I am ready; send me on this gracious errand. If we would remain a nation,
we must stand by one another. Let us both urge on our kindred firm devotion
to our brethren and our cause. Ourselves forgetting, let us catch the higher
vision. Let us find the greater beauty in the life of cheerful service.”
“Who among you now is ready? Who will go upon this journey? You must
choose.” How apt these words are at this moment. Each of us must choose.
Yours in Service,
J. Corpening
Lodge Adviser Klahican Lodge #331
LEC Minutes at Winter Fellowship
At the LEC on 12/1/01 a few decisions were made. Now the Lodge Banquet
is on November 15 so that the National Vice-Chief can come. We have also
decided on a theme for Conclave 2002. It will be Celebrate America to show
the amount of patriotism within the United States in light of the September
11th tragedy. Finally the Fall Ordeal has been rescheduled for September
27-29, 2002
Respectfully Submitted,
Lee Pavolivich
Lodge Secretary
NOAC Communications Staff Openings
The 2002 NOAC Communications Committee is seeking some highly motivated
youth Arrowmen to join its staff at this year's national OA conference. Communications
staff will:
· Create the NOAC Live web site (expected to see over 30,000 hits a day)
· Compose the NOAC newspaper (distributed to 7,500 Arrowmen each day)
· Run the information booths (helping thousands make the most of NOAC)
· Broadcast live on NOAC Radio (reaching all of NOAC and beyond)
· Assist the Arrowmen Press Corps (getting NOAC news to media nationwide)
Youth Arrowmen with knowledge of or interest in communications are encouraged
to apply to be a part of this year's NOAC staff. You can learn the best techniques
for web site development, publishing, journalism, broadcast radio, or public
relations. Several highly experienced adults will help you to produce great
results using the latest tools.
Only on Communications staff can you discover everything there is to know
about NOAC. Apply on-line at
today to be a part of the NOAC Communications Committee!
Yes, I will be at the March 15-17 Fellowship: I am enclosing $14.00.
Yes, I plan to attend the March Fellowship: I will pay my $14.00
on arrival at camp. I understand that I hereby obligate myself to pay even
if I do not attend.
Brotherhood candidates only:
I intend to seal my membership in the lodge by completing
my Brotherhood: I am enclosing $27.00.
_____ I plan to seal my membership in the lodge by completing my Brotherhood:
I will pay my $27.00 on arrival at camp. I understand that I obligate myself
to pay even if I do not attend.
Mail to: Cape Fear Council, P. O. Box 7156, Wilmington, NC 28406 or Fax Number:
(910) 395-0894. If you call the office (910) 395-1100 and ask to be put
on the "will Pay" list, we will consider you preregistered.
Yes, I want to attend the conclave. My fee of $35.00 is enclosed,
my Conclave Medical form (Form 3) is enclosed, and I understand that I must
have a current BSA Medical Record turned in to the Lodge Contingent Leader
before I can attend.
City, State, Zip
Emergency Contact
Day Ph# Night Ph#
Make your check payable to: Cape Fear Council. Deadline for registration
is Monday, March 18, 2002 at 5:00PM in the Council office. Mail to: Conclave,
Cape Fear Council, P O Box 7156, Wilmington, NC 28406
Form 3 is attached as a jpg file. Load it into your word processor and
print it as a full page, then fill it out and mail it in.