VOLUME v____________________________________________________october,
The "Nendawen" (Torch Bearer) is the official publication of  KLAHICAN
LODGE, 331, Order of  the Arrow, B.S.A. It is published periodically to
share information that is related to Scouting  and / or the Order of the
Arrow. To Submit  articles, artwork, or announcements, call any  staff 
member or advisor. Allow 4-6 weeks for publication. We reserve the right
to edit information for space constraints. Send a S.A.S.E. for return of
materials to: 
      Roy E.Risley, 130 Queens Court, Wilmington, N.C. 28411 OR  FAX
your input to: 910/686-3887   OR  try our E-Mail Site:
Cyber Publicist: Jim Taylor,  686-7060,  PUBLICATIONS  ADVISOR: Roy E.
Risley,  686-9866,  ASST. ADVISOR: Bill Miller, 686-1137
LODGE CHIEF: Nathan Finnin- PROFESSIONAL  ADVISOR: Patrick Boykin,
395-1100 -LODGE ADVISOR: Jim Strawbridge


Oct. 8/9     The workday originally scheduled, has been cancelled.
Oct. 15-17  Coastal District- Fall Camporee/ OA-The Bee Tree Farm,off US
17 in Bruns
                  wick Co. For information, call Council Office
Oct 23      Council of Chiefs Meeting @ Cape Fear Scout Reservation-Also
workday for
                  Conclave 2000
Oct. 26        Coastal Chapter Meeting-First Baptist Activity Center-7
Oct 29-31   Fall Ordeal & Fellowship @ Camp Bowers-Class A, but bring
                   If you have not paid your 99-2K dues, this is a good
Oct. 30      Conclave 2000 Meeting @ Camp Bowers-ALL Advisors & Youth
                  need to attend. Call your advisor for time  & location
Nov. 4       Central Chapter Meeting@United Methodist,Lumberton-7 PM
                WILL PARKER, NATIONAL O/A CHIEF.   Don't miss this
Nov. 13      National Day of Service-call your Chapter Advisor for
Nov. 23    Coastal Chapter Meeting @ First Baptist Activity Center-7 PM
Dec. 2      Central Chapter Meeting @ United Methodist, Lumberton, 7 PM

   ** **"Calling all Chapters"- please send your meeting
times/dates/locations for the next    
issue by the 3rd Sunday in October for the November Nendawen (Oct.17th)

This issue of the Nendawen is dedicated to the heroic efforts of
Life Scout Robert Jackson Andrews,III (Trey) of T-226
Awarded the Heroism Medal for Saving Lives by the National Court of
Honor, B.S.A.
Presented  September 17, 1999
          Our own....Kevin Anderson, SR 7B Chief

Dear Brothers,
So many things have happened since my last column was written.
Hurricane Floyd had a devastating affect on our entire area, including
our beloved Camp Bowers. On the Thursday after the storm, I ventured to
camp.  What I saw upset me.  The water was flowing over the dirt road so
hard that the Ranger had the road blocked off.  All I could see was
raging water.  I decided to go back to camp that following Sunday.  Once
again the road was blocked off, but I this time there was not running
water blocking the road.  As I drove down the road I noticed a lot of
wash outs in the dirt.  
When I got to Singletary Bridge, the gate was locked.  I am assuming it
was for safety reasons since the creek was only about six inches from
the base of the bridge.  I parked my car and walked over to the
waterfront area, simply because I didn't see anything there.  When I got
there, I realized that the swimmer's dock was about fourteen inches
under water.  All that was visible was the chair on the floating dock,
which protruded up out of the water.  I did not see extensive damage,
but I can tell you that there were a large number of limbs, twigs, and
trees down at camp.  With the mess that's left, I urge you to come out
and help with the clean up whenever you can get to Camp Bowers. We need
to prepare camp for the Fall Council of Chiefs.  The better the camp
looks, the more people will want to go back to their lodges to promote
OUR conclave!  
There is some good news in my column.  I recently went to the
Region Gathering in Atlanta, GA.  All the Section Chiefs and their
advisors gathered for some fun and fellowship, as well as some idea
swapping.  I am pleased to report that not only we think we have the
best Conclave in the country, but SR-5 thinks we do as well!   
I had the privilege to serve on the National Leadership Seminar
along with J. Corpening and Jim Strawbridge from our lodge.  This was a
wonderful experience for me.  I was proud to see that Klahican had eight
delegates in attendance.  That was more than any other lodge in our
Section.  Another thing that I am pleased to report is that we had more
members from our lodge than the other two Section's lodges that were at
the Seminar.  In addition, we had more staff members from our lodge than
any other lodge!  I am really pleased to see that our lodge is in the
forefront of leadership in the Southern Region.  
As you know, November 13th, the One Day of Service is almost
here!  I
urge you to come out and "give back to the community" with the rest of
the arrowmen across the Southern Region.  Our lodge is going to have
John Isley, Southern Region Chief, and Will Parker, National Chief, at
our One Day of Service and our Banquet.  This is a great honor, and I am
sure the other 98 lodges in the Southern Region are extremely envious of
Klahican Lodge!
Well I think I have taken enough of your time, and I will not
about Conclave 2000 in this column.  You are probably thinking, "good". 
Well too bad, I "ain't" finished yet!  Nathan Finnin is working very
hard in coordinating the efforts of his dedicated staff. He is not the
only one trying to ensure that this is the best Conclave any of us have
ever witnessed.  Your Section Officers are hard at work too, that
includes me!  I want this event to be instilled in everyone's mind that
leaves Camp Bowers on April 16, 2000.  I want them to say, "Wow, those
Klahicans really can put on a stellar weekend"!  I know some of us have
been to Conclaves that weren't very fun and seemed to lack that little
something.  Well tell Nathan what you think OUR Conclave needs to ensure
that it is awesome.  He is more than willing to listen to anyone who has
comments, and, as far as that goes, so am I.  We only get the privilege
to put this event on every six years, so make sure that you have some
input into what is going to happen!
Take it easy!

Yours in WWW,
Kevin Anderson
SR-7B Chief


In a ceremony at a Court of Honor for Troop 226 at Wesley Memorial
United Methodist Church,
Life Scout Robert Jackson Andrews, III (Trey) was presented the Heroism
Award for saving the lives of two people at Wrightsville Beach in the
summer of 1998.  The Heroism Award is approved by the National Court of
Honor for the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, and is awarded
only after a rigorous examination of the application.  As best we know,
this the first Heroism Award presented in this Council for at least the
last 10 years.
Trey and his family were on Wrightsville Beach with another family, the
Jeremias, one afternoon in the summer of 1998.  Suddenly Mrs. Judy
Jeremias noticed her older son, Justin, then 10, drifting into deeper
water on his boogie board.  She called for Trey to help get him back. 
Trey went to get Justin, who by this time was caught in the current and
moving into deeper water over his head.  Trey swam to him, but when he
began towing the boy to shore on the boogie board, he noticed that Mrs.
Jeremias had gotten into deeper water while watching and was now in some
distress herself, because of the fierce undertow.  Trey pulled Justin,
on the board, over to the mother, helped her hold on to the board, and
got both of them to safety on the beach.  In the application submitted
to the National Council, the Mrs. Jeremias reported that she absolutely
believed she was going to die until Trey pulled her to safety along with
her son.

It was an honor for Cape Fear Council to present this award to Trey and
his family on behalf of the National Court of Honor.  Trey's actions set
an example for all scouts, but also an example for adults about what
scouts are prepared to do in this world.  Be prepared, for anything,
Congratulations Trey!

Jay Corpening
Coastal District
From the chief
Nathan Finnin, Chief, '99-2000

Dear Brothers,
  I hope that everyone faired well throughout the onslought of Hurricane
Floyd. Many people are still without water, power, and HOMES!! Remember
what scouting and our order stand for. Now is as good a time as any to
"do" and not "say". Due to the Hurricane, our Ordeal Weekend was
postponed until the weekend of October 29-31, which leaves me with a lot
less to talk about than I had planned. I hope that everyone will be able
to attend that weekend, as our help is greatly needed to clean up the
mess that Floyd left at Bowers. I will be attending the Council of
Chiefs, a meeting of all the Key 3's in our section, the weekend before
our ordeal. I look foreword to officially representing the lodge for the
first time. I encourage all of you to bring at least one "dusty"
Arrowman from your troop to our Ordeal. The only way that our order will
work for someone, is if they are willing to work for our order. I look
foreword to seeing all of you at our ordeal. REMEMBER TO BRING A

In Dedication to Service,
Nathan Finnin
Klahican Lodge Chief 1999-2000


Fellow Arrowmen,
    On behalf of the Planning Committee for Conclave 2000, I would like
to thank everyone who has given unselfishly to help assure a great
Conclave. I would especially like to thank Mr. Roy Risley and Mr. Jim
Taylor for their hard work in printing the Section Planbook. The
Conclave Workday scheduled for October 8 and 9 has been CANCELLED! The
Council of Chiefs will be held at Camp Bowers the Weekend of October 22.
I ask that all Committee Chairman and Advisers be present, and that you
bring your committee members to help with the Workday that Sat.  Every
key 3 from the Section will be in attendance, let's show them What our
Lodge is all about. There will be a Committee meeting on Saturday
October 30 at the ordeal weekend, please plan to attend.  This Conclave
will only become what we make it! Remember to bring your Costumes!!!!!
As the Spirit Leads,
.........................IT'S SHOW TIME !........................
Nathan Finnin

"Attempt the impossible. Take a chance on the young. Don't wonder about
what you do.  Do what you wonder about."

~~~Colonel Sanders~~~
   The National Order of the Arrow Shows Committee is regularly
conducting a talent search to cast Arrowmen of all ages as live
performers in national events. In the next 2 years alone, there are 2
national Scouting events- the NOAC and the 2001 National Jamboree, at
which the OA will present major productions. Have talent? Here what is
needed:  a "HEADSHOT"-any format photo is acceptable, but will not be
returned. RESUME: Experience is NOT a requirement. Live theater and
ceremonial experience are a plus. Request a form from
Forms will be sent via email in MSWord97 format. Utilize regular mail if
you have a hard copy phot or email if you have a digital photo.  Send
your submissions to: OACasting Search, 607 King Richard Rd. Brandon,MS
   The National OAShows Casting Search is an organized effort to
maintain an ongoing database of actors upon whom we may call to
participate in OA/BSA live stage shows. Adults are encouraged to apply
too!  We are enter-
ing a 3 year cycle of big events (NOAC,JAMBO,NOAC) and need to be
prepared. Please make copies of the Resume Form to distribute to friends
in your lodge who might be interested.   YiB, National OAShows

September 10-12, 1999

National Leadership Seminar

The National Leadership Seminar is a weekend conference focusing
primarily on the skills and attributes of leadership.  It is intended
primarily to enhance the leadership skills of the Order of the Arrow's
key youth and adult members as they seek to improve their service to the
Boy Scouts of America and the greater community.
Youth participants should be at least 15 years of age or a lodge
officer. Completion of the Lodge Leadership Development Program is
desirable.  The seminar is an intensive experience in learning about the
nature of leadership and practicing some of the skills that leaders
use.  While it is designed to be fun, the course is also mentally
challenging.  Participants should be developmentally, physically, and
mentally prepared to actively engage in an exhausting, invigorating
At the end of the seminar, participants make a contract with
to apply the skills learned in the seminar to projects in their unit,
lodge, council, and community. 
That's what the literature says about the NLS as it was commonly
referred to all weekend as I sat, taking notes and trying to ingest all
the material being presented by a really great staff comprised mostly of
youth members of the Order of the Arrow.  Fun? You bet. Mentally
challenging? You bet. Exhausting? Yes. Invigorating? Absolutely!
During the second weekend in September, eight members of Klahican Lodge
were present at one of the best training seminars I have seen in
Scouting.  Led by John Isley, Southern Region Chief, and staffed by Will
Parker, National Chief, our own Section Chief, Kevin Anderson, J
Corpening, Jim Strawbridge, and several other section and region level
officers, the seminar was all the things it was supposed to be. 
Sixty-three Arrowmen from three sections in the Southern Region came
together in Wertz, Virginia and were vigorously engaged by the staff in
multi-media presentations the results of which will surely be seen in
the coming months  as we work our contracts.  Hall Sigmon, Maurice
Williams, Derrick Boyd, Josh Suggs, Jeremy Lane, Mike Pavlovich, Ernie
Cox and I learned much and have been exposed to the best of the best
from the Order.  Our task now is to put what we have learned to use in
the lodge, out troops, the council and our communities.  For our
efforts, we each received a small black triangle pen with a gold
fleur-de-lis in the center. Upon completion of our contracts, we will
receive the National Leadership Seminar patch.  

James Taylor

Besides being elected your new Vice Chief of Activities for the
'99-2000 term, I also had the chance to attend this year's National
Leadership Seminar.  I was surprised at how much fun I actually had at
the Seminar. They really do work hard to keep your attention and in my
opinion, the work definitely paid off.  For those of you that do not
know, we as a Lodge were also well represented on the NLS staff.  Kevin
Anderson, Jay Corpening and Jim Strawbridge each had a part in the fun
and guidance that all of us at NLS received.  All in all, I would
recommend attending an NLS if at all possible.  Next year, when the time
comes around, get you application in early. There is a limit to the
number of delegates we can send.
Yours in

Hall Sigmond

(The Nendawen  will attempt to publish information for application to
the NLS for next year) 

Jay Corpening, Coastal Chapter Advisor

Greetings, Brothers!  I hope that each of you have fully recovered from
Hurricane Floyd.  At the time of this writing, many of our Brothers in
Southeastern North Carolina are still out of their homes.  Many of our
own in Coastal District, Lakes, Central and Western District experienced
significant damage from either the storm itself or the flooding that
followed.  The power of this storm pales in comparison to the resiliency
of the people of this state.  Each day brings new stories of heroes,
heroes who saved lives and property, and heroes who have been willing to
boldly step forward and start over.  For those of you who experienced
losses, let your brothers help.  Pass on your needs.  And may God be
with each and every one of you who may still be suffering from this
Speaking of heroes, one of our own, Robert Jackson Andrews, III (Trey),
of Troop 226 in Wilmington, was recently awarded the Heroism Award by
the National Council, Boy Scouts of America.  The award was presented to
Trey at a Troop Court of Honor on September 23, 1999.  Trey was honored
for saving the lives of a mother and son in the surf at Wrightsville
Beach in the summer of 1998.  The mother had called to Trey to help her
son who was drifting into some deep water on a boogie board.  Trey swam
to him and was pulling him to shore when he noticed the mother was in
trouble, having waded out too deep while watching.  Trey towed the boy
and boogie board to the mother, then guided both to the beach.  The
mother reports that she would have surely drowned if Trey had not
rescued her.  Totally awesome Trey!  The mother nominated Trey for this
award.  This serves as a clear reminder of the oath you took when you
became a Boy Scout, to be prepared.  When should you be prepared? 
Anytime, anywhere.  Trey was just kicking back on the beach with his
family when he was called into action.  Your scout skills are life
skills.  Sometimes they are lifesaving skills.
A number of you have advanced to the rank of Eagle Scout in recent
months.  Congratulations on your achievement!  Remember, now is the time
you can give back to your troop and your lodge.  You are a leader!  Set
the example.
Get ready for an active fall and spring.  Beginning with Council of
Chiefs and the Conclave beaver day, then the Ordeal weekend, then the
Banquet and day of service weekend, we will have a busy fall.  Winter
includes the Winter Fellowship, Lodge Leader Development Course, and
more beaver days preparing for Conclave 2000.  We need your help at
every gathering from here on out.  If you need a ride call your leader
or one of the advisers.  We will make every effort to find you a ride. 
We may have as many as 80-90 candidates at the Ordeal.  Be there!
We are introducing a new program this year that came out of the National
Leadership Summit.  Each troop will have an Order of the Arrow Troop
Representative.  This representative will be a liaison between the troop
and the lodge, and will keep troop members informed of lodge
activities.  Ben Kittinger, one of our Chapter members, attended the
summit and has agreed to serve as the coordinator for this new program. 
Stay tuned for more information.
Most of you missed a wonderful opportunity just a few weeks ago, when
several members of our lodge travelled to Wirtz, Virginia for the
National Leadership Seminar.  Arrowmen from a 4 section area gathered
for a weekend of leadership training.  Maurice Williams, Hall Sigmon,
Derek Boyd, Josh Sugg, Jeremy Lane, and adults Jim Taylor, Mike
Pavlovich and Ernie Cox attended.  Our own Kevin Anderson, Jim
Strawbridge and J. Corpening were on staff.  Brothers, this
representation from our lodge was fantastic.  This is an incredible
experience.  Sign up early when the announcement is made next year.  You
must be a lodge officer OR at least 15 years old.  John Isley, Southern
Region Chief (remember John from our LLD Weekends!), did a fabulous job
organizing and leading this weekend.  National Chief Will Parker was on
staff, and will be at our banquet in November.  He is a tremendous
individual.  Make sure you attend the banquet and meet him.
Keep in mind the special opportunities coming up in the next year or
so.  Our own Mike Pavlovich is leading the Council contingent to
Philmont in 2000.  NOAC 2000 will be in Tennessee.  We need to carry a
huge contingent.  If you are interested in attending, place a $50.00
deposit down on the trip at the council office.  If we have a large
number of arrowmen sign up early, we have a better chance to send a
large contingent.  More specific information will follow.   NOAC will be
in late July/early August, 2000.  This is the ultimate as an arrowman. 
Take advantage of this opportunity.  Cape Fear Council will have several
high adventure programs next summer.  All who attended these programs
this year raved about the trips.  Take advantage of this opportunity. 
Summer 2001 will bring several opportunities to you.  National Jamboree
2001 will be at Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia.  This is surely one of the
mountaintop experiences in scouting.  Cape Fear Council will also send a
contingent to Philmont, led by yours truly.  There is some discussion
about a contingent to the Northern Tier Canoe Base in Ely, Minnesota.
(See article in this issue-Thanks to George, John & Duncan)  These
opportunities are for YOU!  Take advantage of them.  These experiences
can change your life!

Remember our Chapter meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month
at the
First Baptist Church Activities Center.  You need to be involved!
Yours in Service,
J. Corpening

 by Maurice Williams

Greetings Brothers of Klahican Lodge,

I recently attended NLS in Wirtz, VA at the Smith Mountain 4-H
Center.   For those of you who are new to the lodge or just don't know
NLS is the acronym for National Leadership Seminar.  It is non-stop
leadership skills training for a whole weekend.  The sessions are set up
to be fun and educational at the same time.  All the things you learn at
NLS fit together to make you the best leader YOU can be.  The seminar
also helps you be a better person, because the leadership skills that
they teach are skills that can help you in all aspects of life and not
just scouting. NLS is a great experience that you will benefit from for
the rest of your life.  Klahican Lodge was fortunate to have three of
our own on staff at NLS.  They were Kevin Anderson, J. Corpening & Jim
Strawbridge.  They, along with the rest of the staff, did an excellent
job putting that weekend together.  You can't get the training that NLS
offers from any other leadership seminar.  The way they teach what they
teach is unique to the NLS training syllabus. I learned so much at NLS
and I recommend the seminar to any arrow men who currently hold or want
a leadership position in the chapter and/or lodge.
Yours in WWW,

Maurice Williams

Please note:  If "08/99" appears after your name on the front of the
This is probably the last issue you will receive.
The lodge has a limited budget for publication and mailing is supported
entirely by your dues.
Your dues are also shared by the National Order of the Arrow at the time
of recharter time (just like your BSA registration).
Klahican cannot afford to send the Nendawen to non-active members.
Your recently received a second and final notice for dues for 1999-2000.
Won't you please take the time to send us your lodge dues today?

A College Intern program specifically designed to introduce interested
college seniors to the Scouting program is available.  This is called
the Order of the Arrow Scholarship/Internship Program and can prepare
the right candidate for a career of service to the youth of our nation. 
Interns work alongside a professional Scouter for a semester and receive
academic credit and a stipend for work and training. Those who
successfully complete the program may be offered permanent employment as
a unit serving Executive in one of the more than 300 councils across
America. For more information, contact your Council Office and ask for

Tracking the OA Sash Through Time
 Part 2                 by Devang Desai
(reprinted from The National Bulletin, Order of the Arrow, B.S.A.,
Volume LI, Issue 2,  June-August, 1999)

   In 1948, a major development for the OA sash occurred. This is the
period collectors call "flock on felt."  The sash itself was made of
felt, but the arrow used was flocked-in other words, spray-painted. The
Vigil Honor sash was also flocked, and had an arrow with an oversized
felt triangle, but the arrows within the oversized triangle were silk
   During late 1951, brotherhood bars were flocked on the OA sash. Also
during this period the oversized felt triangle on the Vigil sash was
reduced and flocked onto the sash.  The flocking of OA sashes ended in
1954 with the introduction of twill cloth with embroidered arrows.
   As the use of twill cloth became dominant, two major stitches were
used to bind the edges of the cloth sashes. The first was the railroad
track stitch, or the double-stitched edge (used mostly from 1955-59),
and the second was the rolled-edge stitch (used mostly from 1960-1980).
In 1980, the stitching on the twill cloth sashes changed from rolled
edge to chain stitched edges.  The last of the chain stitched sashes
were made in 1988, at which point single stitching was used.
   In 1988, the OA created twill cloth sashes with iron-on or appliquéd
arrows. These sashes were produced for only two years because the
appliquéd arrows were literally peeling off. The OA then returned to the
embroidered arrows (including the insignia for Brotherhood and the Vigil
Honor) on twill cloth using a single stitched edge.
   To commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Order of the Arrow, the
national organization reproduced a collector's black sash with white
embroidered arrows as a souvenir for the 1990 National Order of the
Arrow Conference. To ensure that members did not wear the sash, it was
produced without a snap and was made shorter than the average sash.
   In 1990 the national chairman of the OA committee, Dr. Carl
Marchetti, produced a sash for members of the national OA committee that
was a replica of Goodman's gift to the 1946 OA committee. The sash was
to be worn by committee members, the national chief and national
vice-chief at the 1990 NOAC only during Founders' Day.
   Dr. Marchetti stepped down as chairman of the national OA committee
on June 15, 1993. To celebrate his tenure as chairman, he produced a
limited number of black Ordeal sashes with a white embroidered arrow for
the national chief, the national vice-chief and members of the national
OA committee. Each sash was numbered and contained a special
personalized message from Dr. Marchetti.
   Through the years, the use of the OA sash has remained constant even
though there have been occasional changes in the stitching and positiong
of arrows inside the Vigil triangle. During the 83 years of the
organization's existence, the sash continues to remain the visible
symbol of service as was intended by the Order of the Arrow cofounders.

       W.W.W.                                            by Jan Eldridge
(Information from this article was obtained from Order of the Arrow
historians Kenneth Davis, Terry Grove and Harris Tanner.)
For those of you that would like to try something different, here's an
interesting way of producing an image for a wall hanging or maybe even a
jacket patch of sorts. Lots of guys, including former NFL great Rosie
Greer do needlework. Contact me at for more patterns and
information on getting started. Enlarge this design to the size you want
and give me a yell.

bits and pieces
"The Collectors Corner"

Starting a Collection
Patrol Medallions

Collectors are often asked, "how did you start your collection"?
question can be answered simply by saying, "collect what you like". The
problem is, after nearly 90 years, the B.S.A. has produced a huge amount
of emblems/insignia and collectibles.  Unless you are infinitely
wealthy, you soon realize that you cannot collect everything. (although
some try)  The key to a collection is focus. Find one or two categories
that you really like and stick to them.  A good place to start is Patrol
Medallions. Everyone has been in a patrol at one time or another,
whether as a youth or in training. These emblems are usually easy to
find and plentiful. Your Dad or a relative might have some from their
time in Scouting, or you might be in an antique store and come across
one. Yard/tag/garage sales, no matter what you call them can be a
source, as can the internet online auctions. Keep your eyes open.
How much is a patrol medallion?  Patches from the early days,
square ones without the BSA, whether felt or cloth are very expensive.
There are some round felt ones from the 1940's that are only a few
dollars, but the real bargains are the "modern" badges. Most of these,
embroidered on cloth are in the .25-.50 range. You can spend very little
and amass a whole collection that when you are older, could be worth
considerably more than you paid for them. The chart below is a good 
place to start. Be on the lookout for "special" or handmade pieces-our
"Rooster" patrol from the '97 NJ will really become collectible about 10
years out.  Remember the "thrill of the hunt" is half the fun. Enjoy!
Next time...CSP/JSP Collecting